So, it may be a while before I can get some projects going again. I've got a bunch lined up, but because I am in Osaka a lot of the cosplaying is being put on the back burner. >_< However, I AM working on a new Vampire Knight project with Kaname! I want to get up to Hep Five and do some Purikura shots with Kaname and Zero, which I think would be super fun! ^_^ Maybe not exactly "in character", but still fun none the less.
So, it may be a while before I can get some projects going again. I've got a bunch lined up, but because I am in Osaka a lot of the cosplaying is being put on the back burner. >_< However, I AM working on a new Vampire Knight project with Kaname! I want to get up to Hep Five and do some Purikura shots with Kaname and Zero, which I think would be super fun! ^_^ Maybe not exactly "in character", but still fun none the less.
I do have a youkai project in the making though, and possibly even getting the chance to work on Haku! The wig will be interesting, since he has blue dreadlocks through his black hair. ^_~ But since I am in Japan, I can't keep from wanting to buy the pieces I need to put him together! Most of it will just be easier if I get them here, such as the hakama, kimono and the rest of the pieces to go with it.
I do apologize for taking so long to update, but besides updating my Japan Blog, there isn't much to say cosplay wise. :(
I DO hope to have some cosplay progress soon!!!!