Seras Victoria
Run #1
Generation III: WAR
*DAY 1
Fabric Purchase. 5 yards of Mustard Yellow in plain cotton from Ben Franklin's. $15 total. I thank my friend who helped out!! <3
*DAY 2Pattern Hunting
~Simplicity 1941: $16.95
View B
Difficulty finding correct pattern. Multiple trips to Walmart and other stores for shirt patterns. @.@
~New Look A6843: $4.00
Design C

*DAY 3
Listing and Materials
Looking at alo materials and seeing what exactly is needed still:
~Boots /
~Yellow Fabric /
~Fangs /
~Gloves /
Can't decide on what prop. :( Harkonnen would be super awesome, but at the moment, I don't have enough time to actually focus on it. Shadow arm is semi-overdone, and I face several obstacles:
A). What materials/design?
B). Money?
C). Would it be up-to-par with my own standards?
I will have to see. :)
*A pistol would be cool. Seras originally was a cop, and you would think she would carry a momentum of her human life. That, and it would be a cool prop edition. Possibly affordable. I will have to look into it.
*Contact lens may not be practical at this time. I just got back from Japan, and funds are low. I have time in the future to perfect this dream cosplay, and redo the tweaks in it.
*DAY 4
Wig Order
Picked a wig! Bodyline had the perfect one that I fell in love with style wise. I'm familiar with Bodyline wigs, and the quality of their wigs is fantastic. :) Total for the wig was $29.50. I find Bodyline to be a bit more reliable than ebay and much cheaper in prices than other places. Their shipping is also reasonable and you can have it in a week.
*DAY 5
Wig came in! Also found a yellow button up to test with the wig to see how it may work. Found a belt too! Price: $.50 for the belt and $.25 for some stockings.
*DAY 6
Pattern Cutting and Skirt Pinning
I hate it. XD lol The small pieces, the big ones, the thin is all patience trying. lol But in the end, worth it. Its redoing it on the fabric that will probably be the worst part...perhaps. O.o
The skirt was cut first, and then the shirt patterns. All of the pices were cut for future use, so I didn't leave any extra no-usage papers in the envelopes. Save time later.
Since the skirt was the easiest piece, I went ahead and pinned the pattern to the fabric and cut the pieces out.
*DAY 7
Sewing the Skirt
Nothing too tough, but the fabric is definitely the wrong kind (which I will probably change to something like gabardine next time) so there are flaws in my project. :P To be honest, being gone for 11 months and out of commission for sewing has taken its toll. I feel so out of practice. :( But I feel this is a fresh start for me, and I am excited to finish!
This skirt presents no pockets, and I shortened the main pattern a bit to suit Seras's length as comfortably as I feel at the moment.
It was dumb, but I forgot to add the side slits during the pattern alterations. The fabric is a tad-bit see-through though since I don't plan to line, so it seems that a slip is in order. I think there is one in the garage somewhere...
*DAY 8
Finish Skirt
Skirt is finished, except for the final button! Zipper has been added up the back in white.
*DAY 9
The Big Day
Well, today is the most eventful of all. Went back to look at fake pistols/BB/Air guns and found some that would totally work! I might go for it if I can afford it. Not sure at the moment. :/
Got home and nearly immediately began on the shirt. I leave for AI in three days, so this has to get done. @.@ I am working on my gijinka for Umbreon too, so BUSY BUSY BUSY. Already half packed and half done, its just the "getting done" part that's hard. lol My grandma and grandpa both just had chemo on Thursday, and they are starting to get hit with the sick. Gotta balance and find a good center for all of us. My grandma wants to help out with the project. :) So she gets credit for this too!!!
Started pinning and cutting around 6:15pm, and boy does my dog love getting in on the action! LOL
When we went to Walmart again today, I got some buttons and interfacing for the collar and center strip of the shirt. Also, found some black on sale I can use to finish my gijinka! :)
My grandma was a big help with the pockets at around 2:30am. @.o Didn't completely finish is, but tomorrow hopefully for sure and I can start on Umbreon's ears and tail.
Figured what to do about the shadow arm! Gonna use the gloves I bought for Umbreon and combine it with the claws I tore off my Freddy Glove. :) Paint these babies black with red shading and looks like I will have a nice arm to use! Its practical for moving and especially moving in crowded areas. I will be working on an impractical arm that will be used for photoshoots. :P
So, the sewing machine has started to become tempermental, which is a definite go for waiting until tomorrow to finish Seras's blouse.
*DAY 10
Tempermental Sewing Machines
Tempermental sewing machines are the worst. T__T Both of my Brothers are deciding to not thread correctly, and no matter how much or how many timesI re-thread and re-bobbin, they continue to screw up the stitching. :( And I'm so close to being finished! @.@
My grandma decked out her old Singer, but the machine is a lot different from the models I am used to, and it apparently automatically threads the bobbin without removing the bobbin itself from inside the machine. O.o It has TONS of buttons and settings! Can't wait to start using it! <3
Got everything threaded and working! At last! Won't get finished as planned, but that's okay!
*DAY 11
Apparently the Singer works MUCH better than the other two. Gonna use it to finish up. Sleeves are sewn on at this point. I went with the longer sleeve pattern for the shirt instead of the one set for the blouse design on the package. The longer ones will be easier to roll up and will lay much better.
The shirt is a little big, so I am going to take it in a little more on the sides. Collar is stiff, and I am wondering about mobility since Seras's is a stand-up??? Debating on what button color to use, but not QUITE there yet. :) I hope to get it finished because I don't have much longer left before I leave for Quincy!
During my down times, I've been drawing up some new designs for gijinka and Nevermore. I really enjoy Nevermore, and I definitely want to do more (and more extreme things) with him. :)
But Seras must come first!!! LOL I just love to design so much, that during down time I do. :)
Seras this time is a bit underdone, but I am fascinated by how much I am getting done with what little I have to work with. My stuff is still stored from my pre-move to Japan, and I've got only little fabric, thread and machines and the new patterns. Since this is her first con, I am thinking of revamping with gabardine instead of plain cotton next time. :) It should lay better and look better as well. And sew machines absolutely LOATHE this cotton. :( The color of the fabric works fabulously with the wig I got for her. :)
Looks like Generation III: WAR may have an extended life due to the year I missed. :/ The portfolio for WAR is so limited at the moment, that I really should extend the life for it.
Going to finish my Gijinka's tail and ears now, since that shouldn't take to much time. Then I can refocus all my weight on Seras again!
Still need to paint the claws for the glove, so I should probably see what paints I have available.
You can find more information about my projects, my events, etc on my new website!