Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cét-chath Maige Tuired



See more of Nevermore on his new facebook fanpage!!!

Official Nevermore Fanclub

Photography by: Nic Echo Photography

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nevermore Updates and Nevermore's Social

Been working on some things for Nevermore's Social event! I hope to be able to present it at Anime Iowa and Natsucon this year. :)  Nevermore will be awfully happy about that! hahahaha!

The Social Event will include (maybe)food, (maybe)drink, music,  dance, and of course tons of faerie socializing time! 

I cooked this up for the formal invitations to post on the forums and sites to promote. :)

Hopefully Nevermore will have pics from his last photoshoot up soon!!! Will be loads of fun and awesome-sauce! ^_~

However, until then, allow me to introduce you to Nevermore: High King of Beltaine!!! This shoot features the completed set of Light Armour. :)

Lovely ain't he? :D 

There is also this:

Fanclub Logo

Another Fanclub logo!!

Well, that is all for now! Remember folks, Nevermore loves you all!!! We hope to see you at his Social!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Love,